LASZLO was born in Stockholm/Sweden and raised in Vienna/Austria, the city of music and the great classical composers like Mozart, Beethoven, Strauss and many more. Besides this Viennese tradition of great classical composers he was fascinated by Jazz, Soul, R&B, Rock- and Pop music. The latter had its greatest international known and successful interpreter from Austria in FALCO.

He says about himself:

“I´m Viennese from the bottom of my heart! To say it more clearly: An international Viennese! My roots are in this city, which is a melting pot of different musical directions, epochs and cultures. The attitude to life that this city irradiates, the joy of enjoying, the sociableness, the weakness for beauty, the special humor, the playfulness, that always carries something serious inside. I always take this all with me, no matter where I am and what I am doing.”

His family roots go back to the formerly Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

“You can call me a “Monarchy-Mix”. You will find ancestors of my family in North Italy, Austria, Hungary and Transylvania. This is noticeable in my temperament and my openness, I think.”

Music and opera have a long tradition in the family Maleczky. They have been well sought after opera singers throughout all of Europe, for the last hundred years. Especially the opera in Budapest was bonded to the family. Josephine Maleczky gave her debut in a concert conducted by Franz Liszt and sang at the Budapest opera under Gustav Mahler. Oskar Maleczky was conducted by Otto Klemperer. LASZLO is renewing this tradition as an opera tenor.

“The knowledge about the opera tradition of the family Maleczky has always inspired me. When I walk through the hallways of the Budapest opera and see everywhere the pictures of my ancestors, I feel inside a great pride and joy, before all great thankfulness, that I can continue this tradition.”

LASZLO began as a teenager to perform with bands with different musical directions. After a short excursion in the conservatory for Jazz and Pop singing, he changed to the Viennese University of Music, where he received an education in classical singing.

“I have never separated music into different genres. There is music that touches me, that speaks to me and brings something to swing in me. That is independent of what kind of music it is. For me there are no limits, not even between Classic and Pop music. It´s all about emotions… . But as a singer, my search for my personal form of expression, lead me on a way that made me an opera singer. This form of singing and expressing emotions, complies with me like no other form.”

The “Tamino” in Mozart’s ” The Magic Flute”, the “Alfredo” in “La Traviata” or “Duca di Mantova” in “Rigoletto” from Verdi are his prominent parts in opera. But as an Austrian and Viennese he always likes to sing Johann Strauss, Léhar and Kálmán. He had engagements at famous opera houses and festivals, like the “Wiener Volksoper”, the “Klangbogen Festival Wien” and the “Bregenz Festival”.

“I have the most wonderful profession in the world! Naturally I mean that totally for myself. But to be an opera singer, that is most of all a vocation for me!
Everyday you live with and within this great music. That is a great gift for me. To sing with my operatic voice is for me also a wonderful and very intensive physical emotion. You feel the vibrations, that you create with the breath and the vocal chord.”

But also the direction of plays, the writing of lyrics for songs and theatre plays and the visual arts has been fascinating to LASZLO since ever. His artistic career gave him the opportunity to be successful in this field of art too.

“Everything that is artistic attracted me magically since my early childhood and this attraction has never stopped. I´m very thankful, that I have the opportunity to live this passion over and over again. I have directed, written plays and lyrics for theatre pieces and now I´m co-author for the lyrics on the new ADORO release “TRÄUME” (DREAMS).”

– But beside all these intense activities LASZLO is also a man, who enjoys life intensively. Travelling, good food, delicious wines, the Viennese coffee culture, visits of operas and concerts, cinema, and the unhurried-being-together and the exchange with friends are an important part of his life.

“I´m a man who enjoys the pleasures of life! My intensive, artistic activity wouldn´t be possible, without this ability to enjoy all the senses, to exchange with other people, to absorb impressions and to devote myself to the beautiful moments of life. I put all of this into my singing and my artistic activities. Maybe this is the reason why so many people enjoy what I´m able to give them as an artist.”