Dear friends,

A few days ago I was invited to the presentation of an wonderful new classic album in my hometown Vienna.

Musicians of the Viennese and Berlin Philharmonics and two brothers of the famous Jansoka Ensemble“ formed a new classical ensemble of seven unbelievably virtuoso, vivid and top-class musicians. The „Philharmonics“!

Although, the word „classical“ is not enough to describe the music of the Philharmonics. Because they overstep the limits to Jazz and east european folklore, with impressive lightness and naturalness. A very special kind of „Crossover“! Music performed in an Amusing, surprising and vivacious way. They presented their second album „oblivion“ which, for sure will be reaching „gold status“, ore even more, like their first album „Fascination Dance“.


The Philharmonics, excellent musicians, who make their music sparkle with a lot of temper, and virtuosity.

Laszlo Maleczky Tenor Adoro Roman  František Jánoška Philharmonics Foto Claudia Prieler

Enyojing the After Show Party with the virtouso brothers Roman (Violin) und František (Piano) Jánoška. Wonderful and humorous musicans.

It was pure enjoyment! And all of this took place in one of the most wonderful old barock palais in Vienna, the Palais Schönburg. For all of you who love excellent classical instrumental music: You have to have this album!

All the Best,